Large ecstasy seizure in west Dublin

An estimated £25,000 worth of ecstasy tablets was siezed in a Garda search of a house in the suburbs of Dublin today.

An estimated £25,000 worth of ecstasy tablets was siezed in a Garda search of a house in the suburbs of Dublin today.

Gardaí searched the house in West Dublin at around 3.00 p.m. and arrested a man in his late 20s.

The search of the house followed on from the discovery of £100,000 worth of cocaine in a search of an apartment in the south inner City at around 7.00 last night.

Two men, described as being in their late 20s and 40s, are being detained under Section 2 of the Drugs Act at Kilmainham Garda Station in connection with the find.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times