Lawlor's widow ordered to pay costs of action against tribunal

THE WIDOW of the late TD Liam Lawlor has been ordered to pay the substantial costs of her failed High Court attempt to prevent…

THE WIDOW of the late TD Liam Lawlor has been ordered to pay the substantial costs of her failed High Court attempt to prevent the Mahon tribunal making serious findings of misconduct against either herself and her husband unless proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Last July, Mr Justice Roderick Murphy had also dismissed Hazel Lawlor's application to have the tribunal fund "effective" legal representation for her before it.

Mrs Lawlor, Somerton House, Lucan, Co Dublin, had brought judicial review proceedings seeking several declarations, including that the Mahon tribunal may not make findings of serious misconduct against her late husband Liam, who died in a car crash in October 2005, or herself unless supported by evidence proven beyond any reasonable doubt and not on the balance of probabilities.

The case was again before the judge yesterday to decide the issue of costs.


Mrs Lawlor's action lasted for several days in the High Court and the legal bill is believed to be substantial.

Eoin McGonigal SC, for Mrs Lawlor, argued she should either receive her costs of the action or the court should make no order in relation to costs because the case raised a matter of public importance in relation to tribunals.

Lawyers for the tribunal submitted that Mrs Lawlor was not entitled to her costs and argued that "no novel or exceptional point of law" had been raised.

The normal rule that costs go to the winning side should apply, counsel said.

Mr Justice Murphy agreed. He ruled the tribunal was entitled to its costs against Mrs Lawlor.

However, the judge agreed to put a stay on the costs order in the event of an appeal to the Supreme Court.