Lawlor warned over 'disgraceful' tribunal outburst

Mr Liam Lawlor has been threatened with having his right to cross-examine witnesses at Planning Tribunal withdrawn following …

Mr Liam Lawlor has been threatened with having his right to cross-examine witnesses at Planning Tribunal withdrawn following a "disgraceful" outburst today.

The tribunal chairman, Judge Alan Mahon, issued the warning to the former Fianna Fáil TD after he repeatedly shouted and banged the table in front of him during today's hearings.

Mr Lawlor also accused two witnesses, Dublin Corporation's chief valuer, Mr Michael McLoone, and property advisor Mr Richard Forman, of lying in their evidence.

Judge Mahon adjourned proceedings following a noisy exchange between Mr Lawlor and tribunal member Judge Gerald Keys.


When the tribunal resumed, Judge Mahon said the three-member panel had decided Mr Lawlor's conduct was "disgraceful, absolutely unacceptable and obstructive of the tribunal's work".

He said the former TD risked having his  entitlement to cross-examine witnesses revoked if he  continued to shout or roar or thump the table at either the tribunal or a witness.

Mr Lawlor later apologised for being aggressive in his questioning, but insisted Judge Keys was equally aggressive in his questions.

The tribunal said today it would be  adjourning public sittings next Thursday until after the local and European elections on June 11th.