Leader of US army in Iraq promoted to command of Middle East forces

US: Gen David Petraeus, leader of the US war effort in Iraq, has been nominated by the Bush administration to become the senior…

US:Gen David Petraeus, leader of the US war effort in Iraq, has been nominated by the Bush administration to become the senior commander of US forces in the Middle East, it was announced yesterday.

The Pentagon plans to install Gen Petraeus as the successor to his former superior, Admiral William Fallon, as commander of the US military's Central Command, which has its headquarters in Florida and supervises the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as US military operations throughout the Middle East, central Asia and the Horn of Africa.

Admiral Fallon resigned abruptly last month in a dispute over the Bush administration's aggressive approach to Iran. If confirmed by the Senate, Gen Petraeus would take over Central Command later this year.

Admiral Fallon often clashed with Gen Petraeus over the war, criticising the general's plans for the troop "surge" and predicting that the demands of Iraq would leave the military unprepared for other potential conflicts.


Gen Petraeus (55) has, however, won praise from the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress for the "surge" strategy, centred on the addition of 30,000 troops. He is close to President Bush and his ascension in the ranks, either to command the Middle East region or Nato, was long expected in Washington.

Asked whether the general's promotion showed confidence in a "stay the course" strategy for the war, the defence secretary, Robert Gates, shot back: "The course that Gen Petraeus has set has been a successful course. So, frankly, I think that staying that course is not a bad idea."

Gen Petraeus's ally and longtime No 2, Lieut-Gen Ray Odierno, is set to replace him on the ground in Iraq. Both men face a Senate confirmation vote that is certain to expose fresh rifts over the wisdom of the "surge" and the coming halt in troop withdrawals.

Before Admiral Fallon stepped aside on March 28th, the starkest contrast between him and Gen Petraeus came over Iran. Admiral Fallon departed after an interview in Esquire magazine portrayed him as the lone force slowing the president's march to war with Tehran.

Gen Petraeus, however, has often laid blame for the escalating violence in Iraq at the Iranians' door and his promotion could signal an antagonistic approach to Iran during the final days of the Bush presidency. - ( Guardian service )