Legal abortion is needed for rare cases, says report

Cases could arise which meant "abortion ought to be an option and may even be necessary in a few rare cases," said a report accepted…

Cases could arise which meant "abortion ought to be an option and may even be necessary in a few rare cases," said a report accepted by the General Synod yesterday.

The Role of Church Committee report said while no abortion was ever desirable, "the legal framework should allow for such exceptional cases so that the tragedy is not compounded by public debate".

Abortion in Britain was a reality, "and with sadness we recognise that thousands of women from both North and South make use of that facility each year. On their return to Ireland they do not need our condemnation to make their situation worse - instead our church must offer them spiritual, emotional and practical support as they rebuild their lives."

Presenting the report, Dr Kenneth Milne spoke of the committee's submission to the Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution, on the recommendations in the report of the Constitution review group. He agreed that the preamble to the Constitution should be revised, and it should recognise the place the Christian faith had played in the formation of the Irish people and should guarantee the human rights and freedoms of all citizens regardless of ethnic, religious or social origin.


The committee endorsed the recommendation that both Irish and English be recognised as the two official languages without distinction of status, but said it should be stated that it was the State's duty to cherish Irish and propagate it. "Douglas Hyde would have expected no less of us," he said.

Proposing the report, Canon Walter Lewis said its submission to the Independent Commission on Policing in the North had said a truly representative police service was needed. Alienation towards the RUC existed in both communities, it said, and action was necessary to work towards a staffing ratio which reflected the 44:56 population make-up.

It considered demands for the disbandment of the RUC to be irresponsible and believed there should be "evolutionary, long-term strategic planning for positive change".

The church has also requested that it be represented on the Northern Ireland Civic Forum, if representation is sought from the religious community.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times