Legal advice sought on Blasket plan

THE WOMAN known as the "Blasket Island weaver", who lives seasonally on the island abandoned since the 1950s, says she has consulted…

THE WOMAN known as the "Blasket Island weaver", who lives seasonally on the island abandoned since the 1950s, says she has consulted a barrister about further action to prevent the development of a cafe and services building on the island.

Last week An Bord Pleanála granted permission for the building to the company which owns most of the island.

The permission to An Blascaod Mór Teo paves the way for the sale of 95 per cent of the 1,100 acre island to the State.

Sue Redican, who opposes the plan, said: "If it's destroyed, it's gone forever."


She felt the island was above money and while the old village needed protection; a new cafe and piers would add to deterioration.

She was also concerned about the wildlife on the island. Mink had been spotted there recently and this was a serious risk to the island's rare bird life.

Ms Redican said she had sent papers to a barrister to decide whether to go to the EU or to the Irish courts.

The planning is contingent on the building of piers funded by the State and Peter Callery, director of An Blascaod Mór Teo, said he hoped these would be in place by May of next year.