Lenihan to give €15m for childcare services

The Government has announced it will provide €15 million this year for training courses and other supports aimed at promoting…

The Government has announced it will provide €15 million this year for training courses and other supports aimed at promoting high-quality levels of childcare.

Minister for Children Brian Lenihan said most of the money will be provided to local authorities and childcare groups involved in the development of child-centred services.

The 32 city and county childcare committees will receive €11 million to provide training and advice for parents and childcare workers, while an additional €1 million will be directed at training and supporting childminders in the home.

A range of childcare organisations will receive €3 million to help promote quality care and early childhood care and education.


The groups include Barnardos, Childminding Ireland, Forbairt Naíonraí Teo, Irish Pre-School Playgroup Association; Irish Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Association; National Children's Nurseries Association; and St Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland.

Mr Lenihan said all the organisations being funded this year have made a very significant contribution to the development of quality childcare.

"These organisations have promoted the concept of quality childcare by providing supports in the form of advice, training and networking at regional and national levels.

Parents and childcare services have benefited greatly from this support for many years," he said.

The issue of the quality of care has become a major issue in recent times, with the childcare inspectors' reports exposing poor quality standards in a significant number of creches.

Mr Lenihan said that after one year he had already approved funding and grant aid which would create more than 7,200 new childcare places and support over 1,800 existing ones.

A number of moves are also under way to try to improve standards in the childminding sector, including a tax break designed to encourage childminders to register with their local authority. Only 300 registered for the exemption last year.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent