Lewinsky was obsessed with sex, alleged ex-lover says

A high school drama teacher who claims to have had a five-year affair with Ms Monica Lewinsky has said that the former White …

A high school drama teacher who claims to have had a five-year affair with Ms Monica Lewinsky has said that the former White House intern boasted of having oral sex with a "high-ranking person in the White House" and also confided that she had had an abortion.

Mr Andy Bleiler, who revealed the details of his relationship with Ms Lewinsky through his lawyer on Tuesday, said there was no indication as to whom Ms Lewinsky was referring. But his wife said Ms Lewinsky had left for Washington vowing "to get my presidential kneepads".

"She never used President Clinton's name at any time. She did use the term `creep' to describe this person," said Mr Terry Giles, a California lawyer who gave details of the Bleilers' story at a news conference outside the couple's home in Portland, Oregon.

Mr Giles said Ms Lewinsky never claimed to have anything but oral sex with the White House official, and said her purported pregnancy could have resulted from other relationships. It is alleged to have occurred after she left the White House for a low-ranking job at the Pentagon.


The Bleilers were scheduled to repeat their story yesterday before a representative of the independent counsel investigating Ms Lewinsky's claims to have had a sexual relationship with President Clinton.

Mr Giles said the Bleilers also will turn over a series of documents Ms Lewinsky sent them from the White House that may be relevant to Mr Kenneth W. Starr's investigation.

The Bleilers kept the documents locked in a safe-deposit box.

The allegations, made shortly before Mr Clinton delivered his State of the Union address, are one of the most startling turns in a story that has gripped Washington for a week.

Although they could prove significant in shedding light on Ms Lewinsky's story, which Mr Clinton has denied forcefully, they also are a window on her past, drawing a picture of a young girl the Bleilers said was "obsessed" with sex and who taunted Mr Bleiler by threatening to reveal their affair.

Mr Giles said the affair began in 1992, a year after Ms Lewinsky graduated from high school. Mr Bleiler was then a drama teacher at Beverly Hills High in California, which Ms Lewinsky attended until the middle of her junior year.

Mr Giles said Mr Bleiler wanted to end the liaison a year later, but was unable to do so until 1997 because Ms Lewinsky had insinuated herself into their family and threatened to tell his wife.

Ms Lewinsky moved to Portland to enter Lewis and Clark College in 1993, and the Bleilers moved there a year later.

"During the time period that Andy and Monica were seeing each other, Monica infiltrated their family and attempted to become good friends with Andy's wife, Kathy," Mr Giles said. "Quite honestly, Andy was petrified at the fact that she was becoming friends with his wife, and was very fearful of the affair being exposed to his wife," he said.

Throughout the news conference, which followed days of a media siege at the couple's modest Portland bungalow, Mr Bleiler and his wife clutched hands and blinked into the television lights. They were prevented by Mr Giles from discussing anything but their own backgrounds before their meeting yesterday with the special prosecutor's office.

Mr Giles said Ms Lewinsky told the Bleilers, before she departed for her White House internship, "I'm going to the White House to get my presidential kneepads."

After she started her new job, she communicated with the Bleilers regularly, sometimes with as many as four or five telephone calls a day, Mr Giles said. "Because of Andy's closeness with Monica, and because in addition to that Kathy had been befriended by Monica, she shared a lot of information with them concerning events in Washington DC," the lawyer said.

"First of all, Monica on numerous occasions spoke of sexual activities, always oral sex, with some high-ranking person in the White House," he said. "Apparently she spoke of sex a lot. She was fairly obsessed with that," he said.