Life policy pay-out to accused man

A MAN accused of murdering his wife has received almost £9,000 from her life insurance policy, a court was told yesterday.

A MAN accused of murdering his wife has received almost £9,000 from her life insurance policy, a court was told yesterday.

Mr David Murphy (35), of Goldsmith Street, Phibsboro, Dublin, who is charged with murdering his wife Patricia on May 28th last year, will have to repay the money if convicted.

Dublin District Court heard Mr Murphy had received £8,796 from a Royal Life insurance policy taken out by his wife. One-third of that is to be paid to the couple's children.

The revelation came during an application by the defendant's father, Mr Patrick Murphy, to go bail for his son with an independent surety of £4,000. Mr Murphy snr had already lodged £2,000 cash bail at Mountjoy Prison.


State solicitor Ms Claire Galligan said there was concern about the surety as Mr Murphy snr had already signed a bond, in respect of his daughter in laws insurance policy.

This would leave him liable for £18,000 if his son did not repay the insurance money in the event of conviction, she said.

Mr Murphy snr told the court he understood he had signed a bond only in respect of £3,000 for his grandchildren if that money was not paid over by his son.

However, the president of the District Court, Judge Peter Smithwick, said after studying the documents that Mr Murphy would be liable for £18,000, twice the amount of the policy.

The judge said the probate issue was separate. He approved Patrick Murphy as bail person after a post office savings bond of £4,000 was lodged in court.