Lisbon Yes vote at 55% - poll

Supporters of the European Union's reform treaty outnumber opponents by more than two to one, according to an opinion poll to…

Supporters of the European Union's reform treaty outnumber opponents by more than two to one, according to an opinion poll to be published tomorrow.

The Red C/ Sunday Business Postpoll showed 55 per cent of voters backed the Lisbon Treaty, a fall of seven points from the last poll two weeks ago but some distance ahead of the 'No' side, which increased by four points to 27 per cent.

The proportion of undecided voters in the October 2nd plebiscite rose by three points to 18 per cent, but this was a significantly lower level than before the previous ballot last year which rejected the treaty, forcing the EU to shelve plans to reform its decision-making process.

The poll was conducted among more than 1,000 voters on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.