Little support for `open door' refugee policy

Only 24 per cent of the voting public are in favour of an "open door" policy on refugees and 69 per cent feel that only the "…

Only 24 per cent of the voting public are in favour of an "open door" policy on refugees and 69 per cent feel that only the "absolute minimum" should be allowed enter the State, according to a poll published today. The 24 per cent is a rise of two per cent on a poll also carried out for the Irish Independent a year ago.

It is costing the Exchequer £90 million a year in welfare payments to refugees since they are not allowed to work. There have been appeals in recent months by various organisations to allow the refugees to work.

The latest figures compiled for the Government show 4,626 asylum applications lodged here last year, compared to 39 in 1992.