Locals to ask court to halt Madonna concert

Residents of Slane, Co Meath, who fear "an invasion of hundreds of thousands of people" for the planned Madonna concert at Slane…

Residents of Slane, Co Meath, who fear "an invasion of hundreds of thousands of people" for the planned Madonna concert at Slane Castle on Sunday August 29th, are planning to seek an injunction to stop the event.

Locals said yesterday there was a binding commitment from the castle's owner, Lord Mountcharles, never again to hold a Sunday concert.

Lord Mountcharles, however, said this was "not strictly accurate".

He must yet apply for a licence from the local authority, Meath County Council, to allow the event to proceed.


Slane resident Mr Eddie Hudson said yesterday he had contacted the High Court and a retired judge for advice on the residents' rights in this case.

Mr Hudson said he has an agreement dating back to 1985 that a concert would never be held in Slane on a Sunday. That followed the 1984 Bob Dylan concert, held on a Sunday, when rioting and public disorder spoiled the rock event and caused serious upset to residents of the small town.

"Within the village are the same families as 20 years ago and people don't forget these things," Mr Hudson said.

A petition objecting to the Sunday concert, organised by another resident, Ms Patricia Harding, has attracted hundreds of signatures, the residents claimed.

Another resident, who did not wish to be named, was critical of the Government for passing legislation two years ago to allow two concerts by U2 to go ahead at the venue.

Lord Mountcharles, speaking on RTÉ Radio 1's Five Seven Live programme, said it was "not strictly accurate" to say there was a legally binding agreement that he would not hold a concert on a Sunday.

He said there was an agreement "between myself and certain named individuals" dating back to 1986.

"Really, quite frankly, that was then and this is now," Lord Mountcharles said.