Long history of thwarted attempts to block BNF

There has been a long history of studies by Irish governments considering legal moves against British Nuclear Fuels:

There has been a long history of studies by Irish governments considering legal moves against British Nuclear Fuels:


Oct 22nd - The Minister for Energy, Mr Burke, announces Government determination to win agreement for an independent nuclear inspection force, undertakes to raise nuclear question at the UN General Assembly, and promises to use EU presidency to advance Ireland's position.

Oct 24th - Government seeks access to case brought by Luxembourg against France under Article 37 of Euratom Treaty which requires Commission opinion before releasing discharges that affect neighbouring states.



Jan 1st - Mr Burke issues new call for Sellafield closure following acknowledgement in Britain that Windscale fire data was suppressed by British government.

Jan 2nd - British government rejects call for Sellafield closure.

Apr 28th - Dail told no progress made on independent watchdog for nuclear installations.

May 24th - Mr Burke refuses in Dail to inform deputies about preparations by Attorney General for case against Sellafield.

May 26th - Senator Mary Robinson urges Government to take case against Sellafield at European Court of Justice.

June 8th - Preliminary ruling by European Court of Justice backs Luxembourg against France on nuclear discharges under Article 37.

Sept 22nd - European Court of Justice confirms ruling against France for breaking waste disposal conditions under the Euratom Treaty; Irish Attorney General studies ruling.


Apr 19th - Government to use next EU presidency to step up campaign for independent nuclear safety inspection force, the Minister for Energy, Mr Smith, says.

Aug 31st - Government criticised by opposition for failing to take legal action against Sellafield.

Oct 2nd - British couple begin damages case against BNFL in High Court in London.

Nov 7th - Mr Molloy announces Government will not take legal action on Sellafield, following consultations with the Attorney General, who says a case could not be won.


Jan 1st - Mr Molloy defends decision on Sellafield legal case following Greenpeace criticism.

Feb 16th - Mr Molloy promises to continue to press for Sellafield closure.

Mar 6th - Writs claiming compensation for child leukaemia victims of Sellafield workers lodged against BNFL.


Jan 10th - Woman wins £150,000 out-of-court settlement against BNFL following death of her husband, who worked at Sellafield.

Feb 28th - Mr Molloy tells Dail British were not responding to representations on Sellafield.

Aug 11th - New opposition call for Government to take legal case against Sellafield.

Aug 12th - Attorney General advises Government that increased Sellafield discharges do not open way to new legal case.


May 15th - Mr Molloy calls for Sellafield closure during Dail debate.

June 30th - Opposition calls for Government to block development of Thorp plant at Sellafield.

July 1st - Mr Molloy accepts opposition demand that legal action be considered.


Jan 22 - The Minister for Energy, Mr Brian Cowen, calls on UK authorities to hold public inquiry into proposed Thorp plant.

Sept 9th - Department of Energy says Attorney General investigating the possibility of legal action against Thorp plant.

Oct 8th - London High Court clears BNFL in claims that children of Sellafield workers became ill because of discharges.

Dec 15th - Government expresses "deep regret" at British government's go-ahead for Thorp plant.


Jan 13th - go-ahead for Greenpeace to take case against Thorp in London High Court.

Jan 17th - Thorp begins official operations.

Feb 9th - Government would welcome any evidence that could help support a legal case against Sellafield, Dail hears.

Feb 13th - Dublin protest calls for legal action against Sellafield.

Mar 2nd - Government backs Dail motion supporting the principle of legal action against Thorp.

Mar 5th - London High Court action by Greenpeace against Thorp fails.

May 25th - Mr Cowen criticises EU for failing to set up independent inspectorate for nuclear installations.

June 14th - Four Louth residents take case against BNFL to Dublin High Court.

Dec 9th - BNFL attempts to block case taken by Louth residents.

Dec 29th - Government to use every international mechanism to halt Sellafield reprocessing, the Minister of State, Mr Eamon Gilmore, says.


March 30th - Louth residents given right to sue BNFL; Government asks Attorney General to re-examine possibility of legal case against BNFL.

Apr 18th - Government denies it is stalling on decision whether to support Louth residents in their case against BNFL.