Loyalist intimidation blamed for woman's death

A disabled elderly woman has died after being forced from her home by a campaign of loyalist intimidation, it was claimed today…

A disabled elderly woman has died after being forced from her home by a campaign of loyalist intimidation, it was claimed today.

Ms Geraldine Ewing, who lived with her two disabled sons in a predominantly Protestant Warren estate in Lisburn, Co Antrim, died during the night after seeking refuge with relatives in north Belfast. Police are investigating the claims of intimidation.

The misery which these people have endured has undoubtedly contributed to her death
Mrs Patricia Lewsley

SDLP Assembly member for the area Mrs Patricia Lewsley said: "The misery which these people have endured has undoubtedly contributed to her death."

One of the dead woman's sons was verbally abused as he walked past a bonfire prepared for the annual loyalist Twelfth of July celebrations, Mrs Lewsley said.


A senior Sinn Féin Assembly member also blamed loyalist intimidation for forcing the family from its home.

North Belfast Assembly member Mr Gerry Kelly said: "Yesterday, loyalists attacked the family and forced them from their home."

A Northern Ireland Housing Executive spokesman confirmed social services had last night requested the family home be secured because of intimidation. But he said there was no evidence yet that any campaign had been mounted.