Lunch in aid of `Kursk' dependants

A lunch to raise funds for the dependants of the 118 men who lost their lives on the Russian submarine Kursk will be held in …

A lunch to raise funds for the dependants of the 118 men who lost their lives on the Russian submarine Kursk will be held in Dublin on Saturday, September 9th.

The event, jointly run by the Tzar Ivan restaurant, Clarendon Street Dublin, and the Irish Red Cross Society, will feature a buffet lunch at £20 per person. All proceeds will go to the relatives of the dead sailors through the Red Cross.

"We know that Irish people share the grief of the families with the same pain as we Russians," Mr Vladimir Trusov, of the Tzar Ivan restaurant, told The Irish Times. "The majority of our customers have been expressing their condolences since the news first horrified the world. The lunch will, as befits the occasion, be a simple open buffet of finger food, soft drinks and alcohol in accordance to the tradition of Russian funeral repasts."

Those who wish to contribute to the fund, but are unable to attend the function, should contact the Red Cross credit card helpline at 1850 50 70 70.