LVF ends killing of `ordinary' Catholics

The breakaway loyalist terrorist group, the Loyalist Volunteer Force, has announced it is to stop all killings of what it termed…

The breakaway loyalist terrorist group, the Loyalist Volunteer Force, has announced it is to stop all killings of what it termed "ordinary Catholics".

In a detailed coded statement the group said a partial ceasefire would begin at 11.55 last night. "There will be no more attacks on the ordinary Catholic community from 11.55 p.m. tonight, Thursday," it said.

The LVF has been blamed for a series of murders of Catholics since Christmas when its leader, Billy Wright, was shot dead in the Maze Prison by the fringe republican paramilitary group, the Irish National Liberation Army.

In a lengthy statement given to a Belfast newsroom, the LVF vowed to carry on its campaign against "known republicans".


"The LVF will carry on its campaign against the Republic of Ireland until it drops its constitutional claim over Northern Ireland. We will also carry on our campaign against known republicans and factions which are still engaged in attacks."

The statement urged Catholics to bring pressure to bear on Dublin to drop the claim.

The LVF is the only loyalist paramilitary group not officially on ceasefire. Last night's statement, with its threat to republicans, falls short of a ceasefire.