M3 campaigners to protest outside Dáil today

The destiny of the ancient seat of the Kings of Ireland should be decided by the public not planners, environmental activists…

The destiny of the ancient seat of the Kings of Ireland should be decided by the public not planners, environmental activists will claim today.

The Save Tara Skryne Valley group have demanded the Government re-route the planned M3 motorway away from the Hill of Tara.

Campaigners claim the hill could be ruined forever if the roadworks go ahead. To emphasise their point, protestors will place a replica Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, outside the Dáil this afternoon in protest at the planned motorway.

Legend has it that Lia Fail, the coronation seat for would-be monarchs, judged a ruler's worthiness before allowing crowning ceremonies to go ahead.


Private members' bills calling for the route to be shifted away from the hill will also be brought to the Oireachtas later tonight. Independent Senators Mr Joe O'Toole and Mr Shane Ross will bring the issue to the upper house, while the Labour Party have sponsored a bill in the Dail.

Protesters have also planned a 'March for Tara' on the last weekend in November in Dublin city centre to fight the proposed scheme.

A sister protest is also due to take place outside the Irish consulate in New York on the same day.

The newly-elected chair of the Dail Environment Committee, Mr Sean Haughey, confirmed the group would inspect the site early next month.

"The decision underlines our determination to strike a balance between meeting our modern transpoeds while at the same time protecting our heritage," he said.

"Clearly the bottlenecks that leave thousands of motorists trapped in tailbacks at Dunshaughlin and Navan cannot continue, while we must also ensure that we protect the heritage we inherited and pass it on to future generations."

The Fianna Fail TD said a site visit would prove an important opportunity for the Committee to meet local groups and hear their views on the M3 project.

He encouraged all sides in the debate to fully engage with the

Committee so as to ensure the needs of motorists are addressed at the same time as safeguarding one of the most historic Irish sites.