Magee may be hard to replace on commission

The Presbyterian minister who helped broker the loyalist ceasefire has resigned from the North's Parades Commission

The Presbyterian minister who helped broker the loyalist ceasefire has resigned from the North's Parades Commission. The Rev Roy Magee said he would be uncomfortable at being involved with the powerful role which the commission will play in deciding on parades next year.

The commission is receiving new powers to ban and re-route marches away from potential flashpoints. Mr Magee said he preferred to act in a private mediatory role and had no "special gifts on powers to sit in a room and adjudicate on a situation".

Of the five commission members, Mr Magee is the most closely identified with the unionist community. There could be difficulty replacing him at a time when the crisis over Orange parades appears to have deepened.

The Orange Order said it was not surprised by the resignation. The executive order of the Grand Lodge, Mr George Patton, said: "It is obvious that anyone who believes in freedom of assembly and freedom of movement must reject the draconcian powers being given to the commission through the Public Processions Bill."


Mr Magee has been heavily involved in behind-the-scenes negotiations to reach a compromise regarding several disputed parades. The Commission chairman, Mr Alistair Graham, said: "We very much regret his resignation. Roy played a very active role in working to resolve disputes over parades during the summer."

The North's Security Minister, Mr Adam Ingram, also paid tribute to Mr Magee. "The government entirely understands his reasons for leaving the Parades Commission although we are of course very sorry to see him go.

"Roy Magee's contribution has been invaluable in helping establish the commission and the government greatly appreciates the efforts he and his colleagues on the commission made over the summer."

However, a Sinn Fein spokesman called on the Parades Commission to explain why Mr Magee felt the need to resign.

"If the commission has no mediation role, an explanation is required as to what useful purpose it will serve. Will it simply be used as the body which will deliver the RUC's predictable anti-nationalist decision on controversial parades?"