Main points of plan

Community Liaison Committee already established to maximise local involvement;

Community Liaison Committee already established to maximise local involvement;

Development of a Centre for Educational Access and Community Development to improve job prospects of locals;

Create 40,000 jobs in the area;

Allocate enough land to cater for 25,000 additional residents;


Encourage the development of a diverse range of new housing;

Develop a Dublin Docklands "Technopole" on the southern edge of the Poolbeg peninsula;

Examine the establishment of a Dublin Docklands Digital Park;

Acquire land on the Poolbeg peninsula for start-up firms;

Acquire land owned by public authorities for amenity use;

Extend the International Financial Services Centre eastwards;

Develop a major district centre to be known as "Point Village";

Develop hotels and tourism facilities in clusters around the Grand Canal Docks and the Point Village;

Develop high-quality office zones near the central business district and transport nodes;

Promote the provision of an integrated public transport system to cut traffic;

Seek the development of light industry in place of heavy industry, which would conflict with residential developments;

Facilitate any Government initiative to locate major cultural facilities in the area;

Standardise the height of new buildings along the Liffey at six storeys, but some higher buildings;

Protect significant buildings;

New public spaces proposed, including an "eco-park" on the Poolbeg peninsula.