The main recommendations of the report by the Law Society entitled Rights-based Child Law
- Constitutional amendment, similar to children's rights article in South African constitution.
- Legislation to clarify children's rights to guardians ad litem and legal representation in child welfare cases and family disputes.
- Measures to involve the Health Service Executive and the Education Welfare Board in criminal cases involving children.
- Training and codes of practice for professionals involved with children in the criminal justice system, including lawyers, judges, and members of the Garda Síochána.
- Measures to protect children in the asylum system, including the use of DNA tests if necessary to help protect them against trafficking.
- The best interests of the child to be paramount in decisions affecting separated children in the asylum system.
- The right of children for their identity to be upheld in law, including in cases involving donated genetic material.
- The clarification of the law with regard to the consent of children and both parents to medical treatment for children, including the issue of their consent to organ donation.