Main Recommendations

The report of the Action Group on Access to Third Level Education

The report of the Action Group on Access to Third Level Education

The special rate of maintenance grant should be fixed at £3,000 for students living more than 15 miles from college and £1,200 for students living within 15 miles of college.

Income limit for the special rate of maintenance grant should be fixed at £6,150 for the 2000-01 academic year and be increased to include at least 9,000 students by 2006-07.

A national office with a dedicated staff should be set up within three months to oversee a national programme to improve access to higher education.


Responsibility for the means-testing and payment of maintenance grants should be transferred to the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.

By 2006, 1.8 per cent of undergraduates in full-time third level courses should be students with disabilities.

Third-level institutions should aim to set aside at least 15 per cent of full-time undergraduate places for mature students by 2006. Mature students now account for 5 per cent of full-time students.

Each university and institute of technology should have at least one full-time permanent post of disability officer.

Third-level institutions should develop college entry routes other than through the Leaving Certificate.

Mentoring systems should be put in place for adult students, and college staff should be experienced in dealing with problems particular to adult students.

A national initiative should be introduced at primary and second level to encourage progression to further and third level education by disadvantaged students.

Area-based partnerships should put strategies in place to promote access to higher education for disadvantaged students.