Man charged with assault of 12 girls

A co Tipperary man appeared on 50 charges of sexual assault on 12 schoolgirls at Limerick District Court yesterday.

A co Tipperary man appeared on 50 charges of sexual assault on 12 schoolgirls at Limerick District Court yesterday.

He was charged with the sexual assault of 12 girls contrary to Section 2 of the Criminal Law Rape Amendment Act, 1990. Judge John O'Neill asked if all the charges were similar. A Garda inspector replied "Yes".

Judge O'Neill agreed to a request for the press not to publish anything that would identify either party or any other matter that would assist in the identification of either party.

The defendant was released on £1,000 personal bail and an independent surety of £3,500 to appear before Nenagh District Court on February 19th, 1999.