Man charged with killing brother kept on remand

A Fás trainee has been remanded in continuing custody after he was charged with the murder of his brother during a row at the…

A Fás trainee has been remanded in continuing custody after he was charged with the murder of his brother during a row at the family home in Cork city early on Thursday morning.

Patrick Lynch (25), Fairfield Square, Farranree, Cork, was making his second appearance before Cork District Court yesterday after he was charged with the murder of his brother, Peter (27), at Fairfield Square on August 3rd.

Insp Pat Cadogan told Judge John O'Neill that gardaí were seeking a continuing remand in custody until August 11th as they needed time to prepare an extensive file on the killing for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Judge O'Neill granted the application and remanded Mr Lynch, who spoke only to confirm his identity, in continuing custody at Cork Prison to appear again at Cork District Court on August 11th. Mr Lynch was first charged with the murder at a special sitting of Cork District Court on Thursday night when Det Sgt Joe Moore told how he made no reply when he was arrested and charged with the offence after caution.


Solicitor Diarmuid Kelleher applied for free legal aid which Judge Aingeal Ní Chondúin granted after hearing that the Mr Lynch was on a Fás course and was studying at St John's college in Cork for his Leaving Certificate.

Meanwhile, there were poignant scenes at the removal last night of Peter Lynch from the funeral home at North Gate Bridge as his parents, Peter and Susan, his brother Ryan and partner Susan were comforted by relatives.

Mr Lynch, who worked as a delivery man lived with his partner, Susan, at Upper John Street on Cork's northside.

The couple, who lost a little boy, Nathan, a number of years ago, have another son Jay, while Susan is currently expecting again.

Mr Lynch, the eldest in a family of three sons, will be buried today at St Catherine's Cemetery in Kilcully following Requiem Mass at the church of the Resurrection, Farranree, at 11am.