Man cleared of murder on appeal

A man convicted of murdering Stephen Restorick - the last soldier killed by the IRA - has been cleared on appeal.

A man convicted of murdering Stephen Restorick - the last soldier killed by the IRA - has been cleared on appeal.

Bernard Henry McGinn (43), from Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, has already been freed under the Belfast Agreement. He was also cleared of two other murders - Lance Bombardier Andrew Garrett (23) in 1993 and former UDR man Gilbert Johnston (24) in 1978.

The Court of Appeal in Belfast held that the murder convictions, for which he was given life sentences, must be quashed because he was not properly cautioned before he confessed. However, the three judges dismissed McGinn's appeals on charges of possessing guns and conspiracy to murder for which he was sentenced to 20 years.