Man dies after Limerick assault

A man has died following an assault in Limerick over the weekend.

A man has died following an assault in Limerick over the weekend.

The fatal attack took place just after 10.30 p.m. on Friday when the victim, in his 40s and believed to be from the south of the city, was found unconscious by a passer-by in a lane off Parnell Street.

He was removed to the Mid-Western Regional Hospital, suffering from severe head injuries. He died there last night. Gardai had been unable to interview the man, who is not being named until all relatives are informed.

A post-mortem will be carried out at the hospital this morning. In another attack, on Saturday, a man in his mid-40s received serious head injuries when he was assaulted near the Roxboro shopping centre in the city.


The incident took place at 5 p.m. and the victim was transferred to the University Hospital, Cork.

Gardai at Roxboro 061-214340 are trying to establish how the attack took place and are appealing for anyone who may have been in the vicinity at the time to contact them.