Man due to be charged over Naas fatal stabbing

Gardaí are expected to charge a 49-year-old man this morning in connection with the fatal stabbing of a woman as she waited for…

Gardaí are expected to charge a 49-year-old man this morning in connection with the fatal stabbing of a woman as she waited for a taxi on Main Street, Naas, Co Kildare, in the early hours of yesterday, writes James Fitzgerald in Naas and Fiona Gartland

Gardaí are also investigating the death of a man whose body was found in north county Dublin yesterday afternoon.

At around 12.40am, Frances Ralph (46) was standing at a taxi rank in Naas, after a night out with her husband. According to gardaí, a man she did not know approached and stabbed her a number of times.

Ms Ralph fell beside a bus shelter on the street. Emergency services were called and she was taken to Naas General Hospital, where she later died from her injuries.


A man who was seen running from the scene was apprehended by members of the public and held until gardaí arrived.

The man was arrested and later taken to Tallaght hospital with injuries sustained during the struggle. Gardaí recovered a knife, which they believe to be the murder weapon.

The man, who lives in Naas, was being questioned at Naas Garda station, held under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, and it is thought likely he will be charged with Ms Ralph's murder today. Gardaí say they have yet to establish a motive for the attack.

"This was a horrendous crime," said Supt Thomas Neville, who is leading the investigation. "We have already received great co-operation from the public in relation to this but I am appealing to anyone who was in the vicinity of Main Street, Naas, between midnight and 1am, to come forward and talk to us."

The murder scene was sealed off for much of yesterday and a team from the Garda Technical Bureau examined the area. A tent was erected where the stabbing took place and a forensics examination was carried out.

A postmortem was carried out in Naas hospital by acting assistant state pathologist Dr Richard Shepard and preliminary results indicated Ms Ralph died as a result of stab wounds to her upper body.

Ms Ralph lived in the nearby village of Sallins. She had three children, aged between 12 and 24.

Meanwhile, gardaí are carrying out an investigation into the death of a man, thought to be in his mid-30s, whose body was found in a ditch at Green Lane, The Ward, an area between Finglas and Ashbourne. He was discovered around 4pm yesterday by a local who was walking in the area. He appeared to have died from head injuries.

Gardaí in Finglas have called for anyone who may be able to help in identifying him to contact them on 01-6667500.