Man faces deportation despite complaint

A Nigerian national, whose complaints about his legal representation were upheld by the Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC…

A Nigerian national, whose complaints about his legal representation were upheld by the Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) on refugee services, faces deportation today.

Mr Nchedo Obi-Igweilo (36), whose asylum application was turned down last year, complained to the IMC about the manner in which his appeal was handled. The Refugee Legal Service, which provides legal representation to asylum-seekers, lodged the appeal on his behalf, and provided legal representation. However, according to Mr Obi-Igweilo, the appeal made no reference to the specifics of his case, and referred throughout to him as "she". He complained to the IMC in September last year, and received its report last month. That report said the appeal lodged by the Refugee Legal Service had the appearance of having been a "cut and paste" exercise.

The case was raised last week by Senator David Norris in the Seanad, who called for Mr Obi-Igweilo's case to be reopened before his deportation. He has, however, been told to report to the Garda National Immigration Bureau this morning.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times