Man found guilty of sex assault on 90-year-old

A man who sexually assaulted a 90-year-old woman on St Stephen's Day 1999 was jailed for 10 years by Mr Justice Carney at the…

A man who sexually assaulted a 90-year-old woman on St Stephen's Day 1999 was jailed for 10 years by Mr Justice Carney at the Central Criminal Court yesterday.

The judge described the then 18-year-old man's actions as an "outrage perpetrated against the spirit of Christmas", and said it was a "breach of friendship" committed against a woman who had been generous and kind to him.

The defendant, from south Co Dublin, pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault on the woman in her home.

Det Sgt James Martin said the defendant knew the victim for several years and was the recipient of several acts of kindness from her. She had befriended him when he was young. He called on her at her house on St Stephen's Day and attempted to rape her in her bedroom.


Det Sgt Martin said the defendant was violent at the Garda station when he was arrested later that evening and said he had consumed a substantial amount of spirits. The victim sustained bruises on various parts of her body, lacerations, and other injuries which took six months to heal.

Det Sgt Martin said that prior to the assault the victim had been "alert and articulate", but now became easily frightened and nervous and suffered from sleep difficulties.

Mr Justice Carney said he was suspending the last 18 months of the man's 10-year sentence taking into considerations his early plea of guilty which had saved a trial date being set.