Man gets 14 years for rape

BRISTOL - A 28-year-old machinist who subjected an 82-year-old widowed grandmother to a rape ordeal in her own home was jailed…

BRISTOL - A 28-year-old machinist who subjected an 82-year-old widowed grandmother to a rape ordeal in her own home was jailed for 14 years yesterday.

Philip Smith stood impassively in the dock at Bristol Crown Court as the Recorder of Bristol, Judge Mark Dyer, described him as a "danger to the public" after giving details of his attack, which took place after a drinking binge.

Smith had denied the rape and attempted rape of the woman - who cannot be named by law - at her home at Worle, Weston-super-Mare, on December 17th, 1995. She was subjected to a "horrifying" sex attack, the prosecutor, Mr John

Royce QC, had told the court.