Man gets suspended sentence, fine for having child porn images

A Dublin engineer found with thousands of child pornography images which he himself described as "disgusting, shocking and horrible…

A Dublin engineer found with thousands of child pornography images which he himself described as "disgusting, shocking and horrible" has received a two-year suspended sentence and a €2,000 fine.

Robert Conway (31), Rafter's Road, Drimnagh, Dublin, a single man, had pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to one count of possession of around 2,000 images depicting children in sexually explicit situations on February 26th, 2002.

Judge Desmond Hogan, who had earlier viewed sample images from the 2,000 found in Conway's collection, described what he had seen as "certainly not at the lower end of the scale". Judge Hogan said, however, that a report from the Granada Institute said Conway posed "a low risk of re-offending".