Man injured in Cork stabbing

Gardaí hope to be given the go-ahead by doctors later today to interview a 27-year-old man who was stabbed in Cork city centre…

Gardai want to speak to the man who was stabbed four times in the neck, back, chest and shoulder during a row on Patrick Street.

Gardaí hope to be given the go-ahead by doctors later today to interview a 27-year-old man who was stabbed in Cork city centre early this morning.

Gardaí want to speak to the man who was stabbed four times in the neck, back, chest and shoulder during a row on Patrick Street near the Withrop St junction at around 2.30am.

The man, who is from the Greenmount area,  underwent emergency surgery at Cork University Hospital and it is understood that his injuries are not life threatening.

Gardaí were alerted to the row and a 41-year-old man was arrested nearby for a public order offence and brought to the Bridewell Garda station.


He was later released without charge and gardai now wish to speak to the injured party to see if a complaint is forthcoming in relation to the assault he suffered.

Gardaí cordoned off the area for a technical examination by garda forensic experts and a knife has been recovered near the scene which they believe was used in the attack.

Gardaí have also begun examining CCTV footage and they believe that the injured party and his assailant were together some time earlier in the Coburg Street area.

They have appealed to anyone who was in the Coburg Street, Bridge Street or Patrick St area who saw anything unusual between 2am and 2.30am to contact them at Anglesea St on 021-4522000.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times