Man injured in Derry shooting

Police in Derry are investigating a shooting incident in the city yesterday, in which a man was shot in both legs.

Police in Derry are investigating a shooting incident in the city yesterday, in which a man was shot in both legs.

At about 9pm, two masked men entered a business premises in the Meenan Square area and instructed customers to lie on the floor. They then shot the 35 year old man in both legs before making their escape.

The two attackers are believed to have hijacked a car in the Dove Gardens area of the city. It was later found abandoned and on fire in Creggan Heights.

The victim was taken to hospital for treatment, but his injuries are not thought to be life threatening.

Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney today criticised the shooting.

"Sinn Fein condemn this shooting and the sheer recklessness of that actions of those involved . Local people are quite rightly horrified by this attack," he said.

"The people who carried out this attack represent nobody and have no support within this community. They need to see that so called punishment shootings achieve nothing."