Man on explosives charge freed on bail

A man charged with conspiring to cause an explosion last April was freed on £20,000 bail at the Special Criminal Court yesterday…

A man charged with conspiring to cause an explosion last April was freed on £20,000 bail at the Special Criminal Court yesterday. Mr John McNamara (36), a builder, of Courtown Park, Kilcock, Co Kildare, was charged at a special sitting of the court that on a date between March 19th and April 2nd last within the State he conspired with a person or persons not before the court to cause an explosion likely to endanger life in the State or elsewhere.

Det Supt Noel White said the charge related to Mr McNamara's involvement with other people in the mixing, moving and transportation of home-made explosives.

He said that approximately 1,000lbs of the explosives were found in a stolen BMW car at Dun Laoghaire Harbour. Supt White said the explosives were probably for use in causing an explosion in England.

He said another man has already been charged with possession of a 1,000lb car-bomb which was found by gardai at Dun Laoghaire ferry port on April 2nd.


Security sources said the bomb was being brought to England for a possible attack on the Grand National. Gardai believe the `Real IRA' was behind the bombing attempt.

Mr McNamara was released on his own bail of £10,000 and an independent surety of £10,000 and was ordered to report three times a week to Kilcock Garda station. He was remanded until October 8th.