Man remanded over robbery from charity

A man (25) has been remanded for sentence for handling part of the proceeds of the armed robbery of old coins from the "Pennies…

A man (25) has been remanded for sentence for handling part of the proceeds of the armed robbery of old coins from the "Pennies from Heaven" Charity in 2002.

Philip Orr of Rowlagh Gardens, Clondalkin, pleaded not guilty to handling stolen old Irish coins valued £66,137 and sterling coins to the value of  £30,724 on December 12th, 2002, but guilty to having stolen coins valued £5,000 and £5,000 sterling on the same date.

Mr Fergal Foley BL, prosecuting, told Judge Desmond Hogan at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court that Orr's plea was acceptable to the State.

Judge Hogan remanded Orr on continuing bail for sentence on July 7th when evidence of the offence will be given by Garda Paul Lynch of Clondalkin.