Man seriously hurt in Cork attack

Gardaí in Cork are investigating an assault that has left a man (46) fighting for his life in a Cork hospital after he was attacked…

Gardaí in Cork are investigating an assault that has left a man (46) fighting for his life in a Cork hospital after he was attacked and stabbed shortly after returning home early this morning.

The father of three was set upon by two men when he went to answer a knock at his door just after he returned to his home at Plunkett Road in Ballyphehane on Cork's southside at around 2am today.

It is understood that the man was stabbed a number of times, leading him to him lose a lot of blood while he was also hit on the head by one of the men armed with a baseball bat.

One of the man's teenage children raised the alarm and contacted the emergency services, and the man was rushed by ambulance to Cork University Hospital but was later transferred to the Mercy University Hospital.

The victim underwent emergency surgery and is in a critical condition tonight in the Mercy University Hospital's intensive care unit.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times