Man sexually assaulted boy at pool

A 71-year-old retired carpenter who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy at a swimming pool has had his sentence adjourned at…

A 71-year-old retired carpenter who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy at a swimming pool has had his sentence adjourned at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Oliver Newman, of Hazelwood Park, Artane, pleaded guilty to two counts of sexually assaulting the then 14-year-old boy at a north Dublin swimming pool on dates between July and August 2003.

Judge Katherine Delahunt adjourned sentencing to allow her consider the issues.

Det Garda Martin Hughes told Karen O'Connor BL, prosecuting, that the boy was having a shower in the changing rooms when Newman, who was naked, offered to help him wash his hair.


The boy declined but Newman began feeling his hair and then squeezed his bottom.

The boy told gardaí that Newman then said to him: "I would have you in the shower any day."

Det Garda Hughes said the boy stayed away from the pool for a few weeks but the next time he went he was spotted and sought out by Newman who got into the shower with him and started to sexually abuse him.

The boy made an excuse to leave and Newman asked him if he minded him touching him. The boy said he did and Newman told him: "I could not keep my hands away from you, you are so beautiful."

Det Garda Hughes said the boy was targeted a third time and told a school counsellor what had happened. Newman admitted the assaults to gardaí and said he knew it was wrong and was disgusted at himself. Det Garda Hughes said Newman had no previous convictions and had attended for counselling.

Cathal McGreal BL, defending, said Newman was genuinely remorseful for what had happened.

He said Newman admitted a sexual attraction to 14 and 15-year-old boys but had managed to suppress it his entire life until this occasion.

Mr McGreal said Newman has attended at the Grenada Institute for treatment. He had been under stress at the time due to the illness of his wife, his brother's terminal cancer and shrinking of his social network.

Mr McGreal appealed for what leniency the court could offer due to Newman's age.