Mandela fully backs US war against Taliban

Washington - Mr Nelson Mandela today pledged his full support for the war against the Taliban, urging the US not to stop until…

Washington - Mr Nelson Mandela today pledged his full support for the war against the Taliban, urging the US not to stop until the terrorists are "flushed out".

The Nobel Peace Prize winner said the perpetrators of the September 11th attacks must be "punished heavily" for their actions, following talks with President George Bush at the White House.

He added: "one of my reasons for coming here is to be able express my support for the President for his action in Afghanistan.

"The United States of America lost 5,000 innocent people and it is quite correct for the President to ensure that the terrorists, both masterminds as well as those who have executed the action and survived, are to be punished heavily. It would be disastrous if the President gave in to the call that the army must withdraw before he has utterly flushed out the terrorists."