Mandy Allwood gives birth to healthy girl

London - The woman whose eight-baby pregnancy ended in tragedy last year has spoken of her joy after the birth of a healthy baby…

London - The woman whose eight-baby pregnancy ended in tragedy last year has spoken of her joy after the birth of a healthy baby girl. Ms Mandy Allwood (32), who caused worldwide controversy when she refused selective abortion and tried to have her octuplets, gave birth to the 7 lb 5 oz baby on Saturday evening at King's College Hospital, London. She and her partner, Mr Paul Hudson (38), have named the new arrival Color. Ms Allwood told the Mirror: "I feel ecstatic. I'll never forget my other babies, but Color is here now and I'll focus on making her healthy and happy." Mr Hudson said: "We called her Color because it's a beautiful name and Mandy and I have lived colourful lives." Ms Allwood lost the eight babies 14 months ago, 17 weeks into her pregnancy. The couple were catapulted into controversy when it was disclosed Ms Allwood, who was receiving fertility treatment, ignored advice from specialists not to have intercourse because of the risk of a multiple pregnancy. She was criticised for jeopardising the babies' lives after doctors said they were doomed unless her pregnancy was "reduced".