Many children among dead and injured after strikes on Tyre

MIDDLE EAST: Twelve-year-old Nour lay heavily bandaged and fighting for her life in a hospital in the southern Lebanese city…

MIDDLE EAST: Twelve-year-old Nour lay heavily bandaged and fighting for her life in a hospital in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre. She is one of many children killed and injured in Israeli air strikes on this Mediterranean port in recent days.

"We are praying for her," said Fatima, a laboratory technician doubling as a nurse at Jabal Amal hospital, which is now crowded with the victims of the air strikes.

Ali, the doctor treating Nour, said yesterday he did not know whether she would survive.

"She has large burns all over her body; she is losing a lot of fluids. She probably won't live; her life is now in God's hands."


More ambulances streamed into the hospital and doctors hurried to treat the victims of the latest bombing.

Whatever the Israelis' intended target, the bomb fell on a small canal next to the Qasmia refugee camp, home to about 500 Palestinians. Its victims were 11 children taking an afternoon swim.

The first blast left a crater nearly four metres deep, burying many of the swimmers deep under the orange earth. Seven of the children were injured, three critically. Three others have not been found.

The scene was littered with small plastic sandals, several caked in blood.

Ismael, the father of one of the children, sat on the edge of the crater, his head in his hands weeping.

"Children! Children!" he roared through his tears, "Children here! My son here."

He stood and looked down into the crater: "Is Hizbullah here? Only children here," he said.

Another man staggered around behind Ismael, also unable to control his grief.

The children were taken to the intensive care unit, many caked in earth, having been buried deep in the ground. The victims of the blast joined scores of injured from previous attacks across the south of the country.

Ahmed Mrouwe, the hospital's director, said more than 200 wounded people had been brought into the hospital, one of three in the area.

"We have received 196 wounded and 25 dead; the majority of them are children and women."

Yesterday was the one of the bloodiest days so far in Lebanon with 42 dead.

In Sidon, 25 miles south of Beirut, an Israeli air strike on a road bridge hit two vehicles, killing 10 civilians and wounding at least seven, medical sources told Reuters. They said both vehicles had been crossing the Rmeileh bridge, heading from the south towards Beirut.

Leaflets dropped from Israeli planes have been urging residents in Hizbullah-controlled areas of the south to leave.

Nine of the dead were in one vehicle. A woman died in the other vehicle and six members of her family were wounded.

Canada has said seven of its nationals were killed in an Israeli strike while holidaying at the southern Lebanese village of Aitaroun.

Early morning attacks left two men dead in the port of Beirut, and eight Lebanese soldiers were killed in a rocket attack on an army position near Tripoli in the north of the country.

An annex of the hospital in Tyre had been bombed the day before. The attack came as doctors were tending to victims of a strike on a 12-storey residential building, which also housed the civil defence offices, in Tyre. That attack left 21 dead, including several children.

Dr Mrouwe said nine people in one family had been killed; only the father had survived.

At the site of the strike rubble lay strewn hundreds of metres from the building. The face of the building had been ripped off, revealing the insides of homes. Furniture dangled out over the charred wreckage of a truck flipped on its side. Huge chunks of cement lay scattered between crumpled cars.

One resident, Mohammed, said he had seen the blast from his house nearby. Amal, his sister's friend, had been killed in the attack; she had just turned five.

At the hospital small children were grouped in clusters throughout its corridors, many displaced by the strikes on their homes.

In one room a 50-year-old woman lay motionless in her bed, burns covering much of her body. She had narrowly survived the attack on the building. She did not know it yet but her son had died in the operating theatre that morning.

Asked how it compared to 1996 when Israel launched an attack on the south, killing scores of civilians, Dr Mrouwe said: "It's incomparable, incomparable. In 1996 the majority [ of casualties] were fighters. This time we have yet to receive any fighters."