Maritime cluster project receives national award

The new concept of an Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster in Cork has received a public service excellence award by Taoiseach…

The new concept of an Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster in Cork has received a public service excellence award by Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

The cluster, which involves the Naval Service, University College Cork and the Cork Institute of Technology, is the first such project to have been selected for the national awards. It was among 20 projects selected for its “innovation” potential and “excellence” from 190 applications. The cluster is building the world’s largest renewable energy research centre, which aims to create up to 52,000 jobs in wave energy by 2030.

Dr Valerie Cummins, of the Cork project, said the award was an “acknowledgement of the hard work, leadership and talent of the researchers, Naval Service personnel, trainers, educators, agency and industry stakeholders”.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times