Marksmen to resume jobs

BRITAIN: The family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent man shot dead by British anti-terrorist police in the aftermath…

BRITAIN: The family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent man shot dead by British anti-terrorist police in the aftermath of the London bombings last summer, reacted angrily yesterday as Scotland Yard announced the two officers concerned will return to "full operational duties".

London's Metropolitan police (Met) said the development followed a decision from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) that none of the individuals involved in the ill-fated operation should face criminal charges.

Both officers still face the theoretical threat of internal disciplinary action, but while deliberations continue, it is for the Met to decide whether they should remain suspended or return.

Mr de Menezes (27) was shot seven times in the head by anti-terror officers at Stockwell tube station in south London on July 22nd last year after being mistaken for a suicide bomber.


It is understood senior officers feel the marksmen may return to normal duties because it appears unlikely any significant criticism will be made of them. The reasoning is that the mistakes that led to Mr de Menezes's death last July occurred higher up the chain of command.

But Asad Rehman, spokesman for the Justice4Jean campaign, said the Brazilian's relatives were shocked the firearms officers involved had returned to active duty so soon. He said the family was "very, very upset" and "in pieces", and described the decision as "premature". "Every day it seems that the Metropolitan police just rubs more salt in the wounds," Mr Rehman said. "They could not have been more hurtful."

Scotland Yard said the decision was made by Paul Stephenson, the deputy commissioner. "Following the decision by the CPS that no individual officers should face any criminal proceedings regarding the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes . . . the Metropolitan police has lifted the restrictions placed upon the two firearms officers," a spokesman said.

The force confirmed there were other officers who remained on restricted duties as a result of the case, but refused to say how many.

The two firearms officers, members of the specialist CO19 unit, were suspended from operational duties in the aftermath of the shooting in accordance with protocol. The ultimate decision about whether they will face disciplinary action could take several months. But even then, any conclusion reached by the Met will require ratification by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Glen Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents the force's rank-and-file officers, welcomed the officers' return to duty. "These officers have much-needed skills and a vital job to do - the protection of people who live, work or visit the capital," he said.

Senior officers are wary of upsetting the Met's firearms officers, who recently threatened to strike in support of colleagues whose actions were being questioned. - (Guardian service)