Mater Hospital opens bereavement room

A Bereavement room for families of dying and deceased patients has been opened in Dublin's Mater Hospital following an exchange…

A Bereavement room for families of dying and deceased patients has been opened in Dublin's Mater Hospital following an exchange of ideas between staff and management.

Other measures on the way include a free book service for in-patients and evening clinics to treat sexually transmitted diseases in patients who cannot attend during office hours.

The initiatives are an outcome of work done by the Mater Hospital Partnership. The partnership brings together staff and management to plan changes in how the hospital works.

Similar partnerships have been established elsewhere in the health services under the Health Services National Partnership Forum.


"Working together we identified and met the needs of patients' families," said Ms Ursula Fox, joint chairperson of the Mater Hospital Partnership.

"We have dedicated a special bereavement room in the hospital where these families can go during the final hours of their loved one's life and where bad news can be broken in privacy. We are also working towards a cost-free book service for in-patients who are recuperating in the Mater. This goes towards making their stay a little better."

The Mater Hospital Partnership was officially launched by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, at a ceremony yesterday.