McAleese urges action on homophobic bullying

President Mary McAleese today urged young people to stand up against those who bully their peers on the grounds of their sexual…

President Mary McAleese today urged young people to stand up against those who bully their peers on the grounds of their sexual orientation.

Mrs McAleese addressed a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth forum in Galway.

"Celebrating and respecting diversity among young people is at the heart of this important forum. Homophobic bullying continues to be a society-wide issue, including in our schools and the link between it and suicide sends a clear message that this trend must be reversed," she said.

"By working together, by standing up for the democratic values that we share, by refusing to go along with loudly-voiced prejudices, we can overcome the bias and hostility experienced by many young gay people throughout the country. No-one should have to suffer on account of their sexual orientation."


The conference is organised by BeLonG To, a social and support group for young people between the ages of 14 and 23.