McCabe prisoner claim denied

A media claim that those convicted in relation to the killing of Det Garda Jerry McCabe were "part-time prisoners" was a complete…

A media claim that those convicted in relation to the killing of Det Garda Jerry McCabe were "part-time prisoners" was a complete distortion of the truth, the Minister of State for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Ms Mary Coughlan, told the Seanad.

"For example, in the case of the person granted compassionate temporary release at the weekend, this was the only period of such release since his committal to prison in March 1998," said Ms Coughlan, who was speaking on behalf of the Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue.

Reacting to concerns expressed by the Leas Cathaoirleach, Mr Liam Cosgrave (FG), Ms Coughlan said she had been assured by Mr O'Donoghue that each application for temporary release made by these prisoners had been considered in accordance with the normal criteria that applied in such cases.

"In fact, it is the case that Provisional IRA prisoners have received temporary release for such compassionate reasons for years and further more, that this was the case even prior to the Good Friday agreement."


She said she had also been advised by her ministerial colleague that the Seanad could be assured that there were no early release implications associated with these periods of temporary release.

She added that the Government would be defending this position in judicial review proceedings.

These were currently being taken by two of the persons convicted in relation to Garda McCabe's killing who were seeking early release as a consequence of the Belfast Agreement.

Mr Cosgrave said it appeared that more and more of these prisoners were being released for long weekend breaks from Castlereagh prison.

He said this prison, from some press reports, seemed to be more like an all-year-round holiday camp. He wondered if special cases were being made in terms of temporary release.

Were these people being let out for three or four nights without supervision?

"In the light of possible Sinn FΘin gains in the next election, will this be part of a little deal in order to possibly shore up Fianna Fβil support; that further considerations, further relaxations, in fact, are being given? "I think a lot remains to be answered. The Department have been very coy. We have had the Taoiseach saying they are not being released early but maybe they are being released more frequently," said Mr Cosgrave.