McCoy to delay return to action

Racing : Tony McCoy does not envisage any problems about being passed fit for Cheltenham - although he is very unlikely to ride…

Racing: Tony McCoy does not envisage any problems about being passed fit for Cheltenham - although he is very unlikely to ride until the Saturday beforehand.

The 12-time champion jockey had hoped to be back in the saddle slightly earlier, but at the request of the British Horseracing Authority, he must now wait until next Thursday evening for his appointment with independent neurosurgeon Peter Hamlyn.

"That was the earliest they (the BHA) wanted to do it. I'd like to have had it earlier but they were keen on giving me as much time as possible which is understandable," said McCoy.

"I understand that they want to give it as much time as possible but there won't be any problems about me getting back for the Festival," he told the Racing Post.


McCoy has been out of action since he fractured two vertebrae when parting company with Arnold Layne at Warwick on January 12th.