McCreevy orders Departments to tighten finances

The Minister for Finance has ordered all Government departments to review and - if necessary - tighten their financial controls…

The Minister for Finance has ordered all Government departments to review and - if necessary - tighten their financial controls in an attempt to get better value for public money.

The order from Mr McCreevy follows today's publication of the report on the role, responsibility and accountability of secretaries general and accounting officers within each department.

The report concludes there is a continued need for clarity over responsibility and accountability in State bodies.

Mr McCreevy said implementation of the report would help departments in "getting value for money in the use of public funds".


Departments will be required to introduce formal risk-management strategies. The report recommends the Department of Finance provide guidance for these strategies.

Despite the report's recommendation for tighter controls, it concludes the current arrangements for scrutiny of departments by the Government and the Oireachtas are satisfactory.

The secretary general is the head of the department with responsibility, under the Minister, for a wide range of functions including managing the department and implementing Government policy. Normally, a secretary general is also the accounting officer for the department.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times