McCreevy writes to Italian bank over allegations

EU internal market commissioner Mr Charlie McCreevy has written to Bank of Italy governor Mr Antonio Fazio to ask where he stands…

EU internal market commissioner Mr Charlie McCreevy has written to Bank of Italy governor Mr Antonio Fazio to ask where he stands over alleged anti-competitive practices in the Italian banking sector, a European Commission spokesman said.

Copies of the letter have gone to Luxembourg prime minister Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, and to the European Parliament.

"The commission is asking for clarification of the official position of the Bank of Italy, mainly due to rumours which have been in the press in the last few days," spokesman Mr Oliver Dewes said.

"It wasn't really clear to the commission how the Bank of Italy was standing on this issue so the commissioner for the internal market is asking Fazio . . . if he could commit himself clearly to the rules of the internal market and if he would be ready to correct the impression that has been generated by recent press reports," he said.


Yesterday, competition commissioner Ms Neelie Kroes said the commission will this year begin an inquiry into Europe's financial services industry, including the Italian banking sector.

After meeting with Mr Fazio last month, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Finance Minister Domenico Siniscalco stood firm on the country's opposition to foreign takeovers of Italian banks.

Mr Dewes said the commission had received complaints regarding the practices in the banking sector in other countries.