McDonald presses Minister for public debate on treaty

SINN FÉIN MEP Mary Lou McDonald has challenged Minister for European Affairs Dick Roche to a public debate on the implications…

SINN FÉIN MEP Mary Lou McDonald has challenged Minister for European Affairs Dick Roche to a public debate on the implications of the Lisbon Treaty for Ireland.

Speaking at an Easter commemoration in Dún Laoghaire, she also called for cross-party unity to advance the cause of a united Ireland. Ms McDonald accused Mr Roche of hiding behind rhetoric and refusing to debate the facts of the treaty, which Sinn Féin opposes.

"We believe that the Lisbon Treaty is a bad deal for Ireland. It gives too much power to EU institutions - why should we accept the loss of a permanent commissioner, why should we accept a 50 per cent reduction in our voting strength while bigger countries like Britain and Germany almost double theirs?" she asked.

"Why should we accept a document that doesn't even mention the word neutrality but has a lot to say about Nato? The simple fact is that you can support Europe and be against the Lisbon Treaty. You can support Europe and still believe that the Government should have negotiated a better deal for Ireland."


Ms McDonald said the Lisbon Treaty should be rejected. "EU leaders should be sent back to the drawing board and the Irish Government should do what they are being paid to do - defend Ireland's national interests."

The Dublin MEP also called for nationalists and republicans to work together in the cause of Irish unity. "Support for republican ideals is stronger now than at any time in our history. The challenge is to turn this goodwill into practical support for reunification," she said.

"The practical preparations for Irish unity need to be advanced and this requires the support of people right across the island. I want to call for cross-party unity for the cause of Irish reunification."

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times