McDowell comments show Govt's 'true colours'

Labour MEP Mr Prionsias De Rossa has said comments made by the Minister for Justice that inequality acted as an incentive "shows…

Labour MEP Mr Prionsias De Rossa has said comments made by the Minister for Justice that inequality acted as an incentive "shows up the true colours of the Government."

The Dublin European constituency candidate asked how "sending children to school too hungry to concentrate on their lessons, grows the Irish economy?"

He was responding to comments by Mr McDowell yesterday in which the Minister said: "A dynamic liberal economy like ours demands flexibility and inequality in some respects to function." Such inequality "provides incentives", he suggested.

Mr De Rossa said that Ireland has consistently been shown to be one of the most unequal societies in Europe.


"During their seven years in office, Fianna Fáil and the PDs have consistently transferred wealth upwards, and have worsened inequality." Mr McDowell has articulated the arrogant thinking behind the Coalition's policies, said Mr De Rossa.