McGuinness warns US over Adams visa terms

The US administration would be making a mistake if it puts restrictions on Mr Gerry Adams speaking at fundraising events in the…

The US administration would be making a mistake if it puts restrictions on Mr Gerry Adams speaking at fundraising events in the United States, Mr Martin McGuinness warned today.

Any heavy-handed attempt by the State Department to try and dictate Sinn Fein policy on policing is misguided and will do nothing to help in the resolution of this key issue
Martin McGuinness

The party's chief negotiator expressed concern at newspaper reports quoting US State Department sources as saying there could be a visa restriction on the Sinn Féin leader, who is due to visit New York later this month for an annual fundraising dinner.

Mr McGuinness said Mr Adams would pull out of the visit if restrictions were placed on him addressing the events.

He also warned that republicans would resist any attempt by the Bush administration to link the visa conditions with Sinn Féin's refusal to endorse Northern Ireland's system of policing.


Mr McGuinness said: "These fundraising events allow supporters of Irish unity to contribute to Sinn Féin's political programme to achieve this through peaceful and democratic activity.

"Such support is entirely legitimate and indeed necessary in demonstrating that politics works."

"The US has played a pivotal role in the creation and evolution of the peace process. An even-handed approach has been the hallmark of success in this. All parties have been treated equally.

"However, any heavy-handed attempt by the State Department to try and dictate Sinn Fein policy on policing is misguided and will do nothing to help in the resolution of this key issue," he said.

Mr McGuinness said that if the US adopted the policy, it would play into the hands of anti-Belfast Agreement unionists and also cause deep anger among Irish-American supporters of the peace process.